Volker Sieber
Chemistry of Biogenic Resources

We develop biocatalytic hybrid processes (combining biocatalysis with electrochemistry and heterogeneous catalysis) for the conversion of plant biomass into chemical building blocks, biofuels and fine chemicals. Our lab in the CRC focusses on developing and applying ultrahigh throughput methods for the identification and engineering of new enzymes. For this we combine microfluidics with enzyme engineering and synthetic biology.

Key publications:
Biobased chiral semi-crystalline or amorphous high-performance polyamides and their scalable stereoselective synthesis, P. N. Stockmann, D. Van Opdenbosch, A. Pöthig, D. L. Pastoetter, M. Hoehenberger, S. Lessig, J. Raab, M. Woelbing, C. Falcke, M. Winnacker, C. Zollfrank, H. Strittmatter, V. Sieber, Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 509.
To beat the heat – engineering of the most thermostable pyruvate decarboxylase to date, S. Sutiono, K. Satzinger, A. Pick, J. Carsten, V. Sieber, RSC Adv. 2019, 9, 29743–29746.
In vitro metabolic engineering for the production of α-ketoglutarate, B. Beer, A. Pick, V. Sieber, Metab. Eng. 2017, 40, 5–13.
Enzymatic Reduction of Nicotinamide Biomimetic Cofactors Using an Engineered Glucose Dehydrogenase: Providing a Regeneration System for Artificial Cofactors, C. Nowak, A. Pick, P. Lommes, V. Sieber, ACS Catal. 2017, 7, 5202–5208.
Reaction Design for the Compartmented Combination of Heterogeneous and Enzyme Catalysis, J. M. Sperl, J. M. Carsten, J.-K. Guterl, P. Lommes, V. Sieber, ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 6329–6334.
Press releases: