Golo Storch
Flavin-based Organocatalysts
We develop molecular catalysts based on the heterocycle isoalloxazine, which is the reactive part of the flavin cofactor, and our work programme is inspired by the diversity of chemical transformations mediated by flavoenzymes. The design of flavin catalysts is evaluated in the context of stereo- and site-selective functionalization of organic compounds – especially peptide natural products – of increasing complexity. Flavins are versatile photocatalysts, they are effective organocatalysts, and they are also capable of activating molecular oxygen from air. All of these features make them an ideal platform for designing efficient and sustainable catalysts.
Key publications:
Reduced Molecular Flavins as Single-Electron Reductants after Photoexcitation, R. Foja, A. Walter, C. Jandl, E. Thyrhaug, J. Hauer, G. Storch,* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 4721–4726.
Synthetic C‐6 Aminoflavin Catalysts Enable Aerobic Bromination of Oxidation‐Prone Substrates, A. Walter, G. Storch,* Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 22505–22509.
Molecular Editing of Flavins for Catalysis, A. Rehpenn, A. Walter, G. Storch,* Synthesis 2021, 53, 2583–2593.