Jobs and Application
MuniCat arranges well-supervised and exciting industrial internships with a focus on catalysis research and development at Clariant. Due to the limited number of available internships, early and meaningful applications are requested at richard.fischer(at) or munich-catalysis(at)
The research projects worked on in MuniCat offer opportunities for highly interesting and challenging research internships, bachelor's and master's theses, as well as doctorates and post-doctoral stays. Contact at richard.fischer(at) or munich-catalysis(at)
Open Positions:
Master thesis (Chem. or ChemIng.) on the topic "Established Industrial Catalytic Processes: Weakness Analysis and Proposals for Process Engineering Optimization“
Master thesis on the simulation / modeling of catalytic fluidized beds
PhD position on modeling and simulation of industrial catalytic processes in the field of propene production
PhD position on topics in the field of modern catalytic hydrogenation technologies
Training and Education:
Summer Term: | Time/Place |
Lecture Industrially relevant Activation of small Molecules for advanced students. Current developments of heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis in the field of small molecule activation such as simple alkanes and alkenes, aromatics or for example sulfur dioxide or nitrogen are presented in detail. The learning content is summarized and reviewed in the "PSE of Catalysis" to support the exams. Lecture language: English. | April - July, Mondays, 11:15 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.; HS 27402 (Walter-Hieber-Lecture hall) |
Lecture 310 K (the lecture with the special topics ‚from practice for practice‘: quality of life, work-life balance, time & self-management, project management, communication, leadership skills, and many more). | April - July, Tuesdays, 14:15 - 16:00 p.m.; room# 56210 (seminar-room of the chair for Inorganic and Metal Organic Chemistry) |
Winter Term: | |
As part of the new Master's program, the lecture Catalysis in Industrial Practice will be offered in the winter term. In addition to an introduction to the fundamentals and general principles of catalysis and to industrial catalysis, selected examples of particularly important areas of applied industrial catalysis will be discussed in detail. Lecture language: English. | December - February, Mondays, 1:15 - 3:00 p.m.; Location: HS 27402 (Walter-Hieber Lecture hall) |
Excursions: | |
MuniCat offers interested students excursions to Clariant biggest catalyst production and R&D site in Heufeld (limited number of participants). Dates will be announced here in time for registrations. | Will be announced |