Thomas Brück
Synthetic Biotechnology
Synthetic Biotechnology is a new, cross-diciplinary approach to employ biocatalytic processes for generation of sustainable chemical enteties. The group employs advanced bioinformatic tools in combination with molecular simulation to modulate enzyme catalysis towards process relevant parameters, such as product profile specificity or thermotolerance. The redesigned enzymes are recombinantly incorporated in customized cell systems to address whole cell production of terpenoids or functionalized lipids. Metabolic pertubations induced by incorporating designed enzyme systems are assessed by comprehensive systems biology methods. Data sets are used to metabolically rewire hosts cells in order to optimize carbon flux towards desired chemicals using new bioreactor concepts. A specific competence of the group is the use of phototrophic and heterotrophic cell systems, which convert CO2 to value adding chemical entities.
Key publications:
Towards a comprehensive understanding of the structural dynamics of a bacterial diterpene synthase during catalysis, R. Driller, S. Janke, M. Fuchs, E. Warner, A. R. Mhashal, D. T. Major, M. Christmann, T. Brück, B. Loll, Nat. Commun. 2018, 9, 3971.
A waste-free, microbial oil centered cyclic bio-refinery approach based onflexible macroalgae biomass, M. A. Masri, W. Jurkowski, P. Shaigani, M. Haack, N. Mehlmer, T. Brück, Appl. Energy 2018, 224, 1–12.
A sustainable, high-performance process for the economic production of waste-free microbial oils that can replace plant-based equivalents, M. A. Masri, D. Garbe, N. Mehlmer, T. B. Brück, Energy Environ. Sci. 2019, 12, 2717–2732.
Modular biomanufacturing for a sustainable production of terpenoid-based insect deterrents, W. Mischko, M. Hirte, S. Roehrer, H. Engelhardt, N. Mehlmer, M. Minceva, T. Brück, Green Chem. 2018, 20, 2637–2650.
Greener aromatic antioxidants for aviation and beyond, D. V. Woortman, S. Jürgens, M. Untergehrer, J. Rechenberger, M. Fuchs, N. Mehlmer, F. Qoura, G. Eckel, M. Stöhr, P. Oßwald, P. Le Clercq, L. Hintermann, D. Weuster-Botz, F. Bracher, T. Brück, Sustainable Energy Fuels 2020, 4, 2153–2163.